Resources and Requests

What kind of resources can be placed on my reading list?

  • Online resources such as eBooks, articles, streaming videos & audio and more.
  • Digitization of print materials can done under specific statutory provisions and in accordance with the University of Windsor copyright guidelines. Please provide us with the details of your request by email or through a library note in your Course Resource list.
    • Fair Dealing: The library will digitize materials such as book chapters or journal articles within the bounds of fair dealing (up to 10% or 1 chapter).
    • Copyright Clearance: If a digitization request exceeds the fair dealing guidelines we will seek copyright clearance for additional content. Please note that this can often take a week or more so please communicate your request well in advance of the start of your course.
  • Request purchase of an electronic copy of high-demand items. Please keep in mind that many textbook publishers do not sell digital copies to libraries.
  • Please email to arrange for the digitization of personal copies of print materials.

How can I discover resources available from the library?

New resource requests

Please let us know if there is a book, eBook or Video that you'd like to use in your course that the library does not currently own. In some cases, we may obtain a copy and add what you've requested. Please note that in many cases, textbook publishers will not sell electronic copies of course texts to libraries. 
Submit New Resource Requests
Please keep in mind that we may not be able to fulfill all item requests. Many textbook publishers do not make eBooks available to purchase by libraries. In some cases the cost of online a single eBook can be cost prohibitive. 
Send us a message