
Search Issues

Many items the Library owns, including course reserves, are not currently showing up in our library search. We are aware of this issue and a fix is being worked on. If you know the title of the item you are looking for please contact the front desk directly and they may be able to help you. Normal service should be restored soon.

Leddy Library Research Question Competition 2016 is here!

Welcome to the 2016 Leddy Library Research Question Competition!

Is there something you're curious about? Do you have an interesting, engaging or even amusing research question? If so submit it to the Leddy Library Research Question Competition for a chance to win one of three 50$ prizes!

When is it?

Submissions are open from September 12th - 30th.

Humanities Week Events from September 12-16th!

Thanks to the support of the President’s Office and the grand success of last year’s “Why Humanities” Week, we are very excited to announce that Humanities Week will take place September 12-16th! In a popular repeat from last year’s event, students will have an opportunity to win a semester of free tuition by submitting their take on What do the Humanities Mean to You? Entrants are asked to produce a video, essay, poem or proclamation outlining the importance and value of the humanities.

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