
Wilfred "Boomer" Harding & the Chatham Coloured All Stars launches at Wish Centre in Chatham

Saturday June 11th was the launch event for the Breaking the Colour Barrier: Wilfred "Boomer" Harding & the Chatham Coloured All-Stars (1932-1939) project. Hundreds were in attendance at the WISH Centre in Chatham Ontario to view displays, learn about the project and new website, listen to researchers and family, and even buy some baseball cards of the 34 All-Stars team (proceeds going to the Chatham Kent Black Historical Society).

You can find the book collection at Career and Employment Services in the Leddy Library Catalogue

You can now find the book collection at Career and Employment Services in the Leddy Library Catalogue.

The books are located at Career and Employment Services which is located on the first floor of the Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre.

The Centre is open Monday to Friday  8:30 am to 4:30 pm. All students, faculty, and staff are borrow from this collection at Career Services and the loan period is 14 days.

Explore Windsor, City of Music

Music students from the School of Creative Arts have worked with the Leddy Library as part of Dr. Sally Bick's class Studies in the Music of North American Culture to develop an online tour of the musical scene in Windsor digital exhibit entitled City of Music showcases the diverse musical genres at play in the city. So take some time to explore! 

Leddy Library to Host Free Movie Screening

Bon Cop Bad Cop Movie Poster

Leddy Library will be hosting a free screening of the movie Bon Cop Bad Cop for National Canadian Film Day 150 (NCFD 150).  The event will be held in the Leddy Library comfy seating area (behind the Brown Gold Café) on Wednesday, April 12th at 7 PM. 

The film pairs Patrick Huard as David Bouchard, a rule-bending detective for the Sûreté du Québec, with Colm Feore’s Martin Ward, a by-the-book Ontario Provincial Police detective.

Take a study break and play a game!

Games are good for you! (Yes, we have the science to back up this claim). So why not take a break from studying in the Leddy Library and grab a friend or two and play a game from our new shelf of games. You can borrow the games for a day.


Here is what we currently have on offer:


love letter

CANSIM: Alternate access to database during outage

The library has encountered a problem with the Statistics Canada web site that may impact your work. The CANSIM database (the source for most social and economic Canadian statistics) is not functioning at present. Faculty and students who need this data can access our backup version of the CANSIM database through the University of Toronto CHASS system:


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