Mita Williams's blog

New Trial: Oxford Handbooks Online

Oxford Handbooks Online is a collection of authoritative, updated handbooks in 14 subject areas including classical studies, history, law, linguistics. music, neuroscience, psychology, religion, and more. The Leddy Library currently subscribes to a subset of handbooks on this platform but during this trial all the handbooks will be available.

Open Access Week: Journal Publishing from the University of Windsor

Happy Open Access Week!

One of the ways that the Leddy Library supports making access free to the reader, is by the support and hosting of scholarly journals, including openly licensed ones. The Leddy Library provides software, support and hosting services for academic journals, monographs, and conferences that manage the process from submission to publication.

We currently host the following journals:

Lecture series to observe Open Access Week

The Leddy Library is hosting a week-long lecture series to celebrate the 10th annual International Open Access Week.

Open Access week takes place October 22 to 28 and is an opportunity for researchers around the world to continue to learn about the benefits of Open Access, to share their experience with colleagues, and to help improve access to scholarship and research around the world.

We would like your feedback on a new collaborative space in the library

The UWill Discover Student Research Collaboratory@Leddy will provide the University of Windsor’s most inquisitive minds with state-of-the-art dynamic space to share their findings and develop collaborative relationships with partners from across campus and globally. This innovative digital space will serve not only as a virtual window to the world, but also as a physical community encouraging collaborative communities of inquiry and knowledge creation.

You can wait for the white rabbit or you can follow the Leddy Library!

Welcome and welcome back to The Leddy Library!

We are always here to support your learning, teaching and research needs and we are continually trying to find new ways to meet them. This year, we're making sure that you can keep up to date with what the Leddy Library offers through a variety of social media channels. Here are some of them:

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Windsor/Sandwich Scan-A-Thon

Do you have old photos of the local area?

WEDigHistory is a historical archeology project created to look into the past of the Windsor Essex region. We are hosting a Scan-A-Thon where community members can bring in old photos of the Sandwich and surrounding area to be put in a digital archive.

It is happening on Friday, August 25th from 2pm to 8pm on the first floor of the Leddy Library.

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