We would like your feedback on a new collaborative space in the library

view of potential collaboratory space

The UWill Discover Student Research Collaboratory@Leddy will provide the University of Windsor’s most inquisitive minds with state-of-the-art dynamic space to share their findings and develop collaborative relationships with partners from across campus and globally. This innovative digital space will serve not only as a virtual window to the world, but also as a physical community encouraging collaborative communities of inquiry and knowledge creation.

architect's rendered drawings of space

A series of small group project rooms, available during the library’s operating hours, will be combined with an area in front of the digital wall for student group presentations to peers and professors. Incorporating multipoint teleconference capabilities, the presentation area will extend the use of the existing digital wall for student-led collaboration around the world. Additionally, a larger group conference room in the centre of the space will be created with glass walls, whiteboards and projection.

We are looking for your feedback about the space!  Please fill out this short, anonymous survey and let us know. You could be one of 10 winners of $20 applied to their UWin card.  The deadline for feedback is October 31, 2018.

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