Study room policies

Our library offers two types of bookable rooms to help you study: personal study rooms for quiet, individual work and group study rooms for collaborative projects. Please review the guidelines below to ensure fair and efficient use of these spaces.

Group study rooms 

Booking limits

Maximum online booking time per day180 minutes (3 hours)
Additional bookings beyond 180 minutesMust be arranged at the Information Desk
Multiple bookings under 180 minutes allowed?Yes
Advanced booking windowUp to 30 days in advance
Maximum capacity per room4 people

Access and terms of use

  • Access to group study rooms no longer requires a key. When your booking begins, go to your room. If there are any issues, please visit the Information Desk.
  • Checking in and out will release the room for booking by other users in case you are done early. 
  • Please cooperate with other users by leaving the room clean and in a timely fashion at the end of your booking.
  • Markers, chalk, and other peripherals can still be signed out at the Information Desk.
  • As noise carries between these rooms and through the floor, please try to keep your voices down. 
  • Please cooperate with the library staff. We are working to ensure a safe environment for everyone on campus.
  • Eating meals is not allowed.
  • Lidded drinks are permitted.
  • Follow all library policies while in the building.
  • Use of alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, vape pens, and other smoking devices is not permitted at any time within the library. Possession or use of any of these items in the library may result in the loss of library access. 

Personal study room 

  • Personal study rooms are bookable by individuals for personal use only. The University Health and Safety Department zones these rooms for single occupancy. 
  • Use of alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, vape pens, and other smoking devices is not permitted at any time within the library. Possession or use of any of these items in the library may result in the loss of library access

Booking limits

Maximum time per booking180 minutes (3 hours)
Maximum number of bookings per day3 bookings
Advanced booking windowUp to 30 days in advance
Maximum capacity per room1 person
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