Student Research Collaboratory

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The Student Research Collaboratory at the Leddy Library is an active learning space. The space accommodates 71 occupants and showcases several options for people to interact in a flexible environment with technologies that facilitate hands-on learning and teamwork. The room includes:

  • A mounted wall TV and as well 2 sets of Creston tiles to display work.  All three displays can be run individually or as a group. 
  • Two HD web cameras for online meetings and collaboration.
  • Six wireless microphones can be used for presentations.
  • Lighting and devices can be controlled via automation and pre-programmed ‘scenes’

Things to remember while using the space:

  • While the Collaboratory is intended to be a modular space with moveable furniture, please keep the furniture within the Collaboratory space so that everyone can enjoy it.
  • Content displayed on the digital wall is subject the Library’s acceptable use policy. Any violation of this policy may result in loss of library privileges.
  • All seating in the Collaboratory is available on a first come first served basis.
  • Dry erase markers for the white boards can be borrowed from the information desk.

Tech in the Collaboratory

The Collaboratory is meant for collaboration and the tech is there for you to use! Bring your own device and plug-and-play, or connect to the built-in computer. Read more on how to use the technology in this space.



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