
Library open this weekend and Labour Day

Just a reminder that Leddy will be open Saturday, September 1 and Sunday, September 2: from 1pm to 8pm and open on Monday, September 3 (Labour Day)from 8am to 8pm.

Regular Fall Term hours begin on Tuesday September 4th and you can see them on our Hours page:

It's almost September. We can't wait to see you again!

The Future of Academic Publishing

While issues related to academic publishing and open access have been quietly churning away for many years now, these issues have started to surface more publicly since the recent boycott of the academic publish Elsevier this spring and the push in the UK to support wider access to publicly funded research.

A Leddy Library pilot project : free and open textbooks

This September about 200 students in a course on Management Information Systems will taking part of a new pilot project spearheaded by the Leddy Library.  The project is a partnership with Flatworld Knowledge to provide free and open online peer-reviewed textbooks that are also available for a variety of digital readers - including the iPad, Kindle and Nook - while also being available in print at a fraction of the traditional cost of a paper textbook. This pilot is the first of its kind in Canada.

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