The links below reflect a subset of the many resources available, as starting points for your research. The photos of totems and other images are located in the Collaboratory space in Leddy Library. Based on drawings by Russell Nahdee.
- Data
First Nations Principles of OCAP®
Data on Racialized Populations (Scholar's Portal)- Education
Curriculum-related documents [related to university-level] (Leddy Library, UWindsor)
Adams, Jodie, et al, (2018). Our Stories : First Peoples in Canada. Toronto: Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology. [eTextbook]
BCcampus OpenEd open textbooks
Deepening Knowledge: Resources for and about Aboriginal Education (OISE)
Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario, First Nations, Métis and Inuit
How to Tell the Difference: A Guide for Evaluating Children’s Books for Anti-Indian Bias (oyate)
Indigenous Canada MOOC (University of Alberta)
Infusing Indigenous Perspectives in k-12 Teaching (OISE)
- Equality
Anaya, J. (2014). Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya. The Situation of Indigenous Peoples in Canada (Final Version). United Nations Human Rights Council.
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Canadian Human Rights Commission. (2010). Report on equality rights of Aboriginal people. Canadian Human Rights Commission.
Aboriginal Income Disparity in Canada. (Government of Canada. Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada)
Joint Report by the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) et al. (2012). Response to Canada's 19th and 20th Periodic Reports: Alternative Report on Canada's Actions on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
United Nations. General Assembly. (2008). United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples [2007]. United Nations Department of Public Information.
- Government Information
Indigenous History (Library and Archives Canada)
Indigenous Institutes (Ontario)
First Nation Profiles Interactive Map
Historical Debates of the Parliament of Canada
Indian Affairs Annual Reports, 1864-1990 (you may have to search for the title of the webpage)
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation (Ontario)
Native American Affairs (Michigan Department of Health & Human Services)
Our Ontario Government Documents Collection
Registry of Canadian Government Information Digitization Projects
Statistics Canada. Indigenous Peoples.
Statistics Canada. Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: First Nations People, Métis and Inuit
Statistics Canada. NHS Aboriginal Population Profile, 2011.
U.K. Parliamentary PapersUnited Nations Division For Social Policy and Development. Indigenous Peoples.
United Nations International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples.
- Guiding Documents
Indigenizing the Academy (Canadian Association of University Teachers)
Indigenous Education Protocol (Colleges and Institutes Canada)
Indigenous Knowledge Portal (First Nations Caring Society)
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
[10] Principles of Reconciliation (TRC)Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
John, Edward. A Study on the impacts of the Doctrine of Discovery on indigenous peoples, including mechanisms, processes and instruments of redress, with reference to the Declaration, and particularly to articles 26-28, 32 and 40. United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. 2014.
Bell, Nicole. Teaching by the Medicine Wheel: An Anishinaabe Framework for Indigenous Education. Education Canada. 2014.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission Reports in Accessible Formats
Understanding First Nation Sovereignty (Chiefs of Ontario)
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN)Universities Canada Principles on Indigenous Education
WWW.FPIC.INFO (Indigenous Rights and Resource Governance Research Group)
- Healthcare
National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health
Report of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs. (2017). Breaking Point: the Suicide Crisis in Indigenous Communities. Ottawa: Speaker of the House of Commons.
- History (Local)
Local, Indigenous History reading list (Leddy Library)
Hidden histories in Southwest Ontario: a project of the Huron Community History Centre- Image Collections
American Indians of the Pacific Northwest University of Washington
An Honest, Genial and Kindly People
Edward S. Curtis's The American Indian [text and images] Northwestern University
Gateway to Aboriginal Heritage Canadian Museum of HistoryPaul Seesequasis - Indigenous Archival Photo Project
Indigenous Audiovisual Collection Royal BC Museum
The Indigenous Collection The Art Gallery of Ontario
Indigenous Photograph Collection University of Alberta
Indigenous Resources Archives Association of Ontario
- Land
- Languages
see first page of this research guide under Indigenous Voices, and Select News/Media
Aboriginal Languages in Canada (Statistics Canada)
Aboriginal Maps and Mapping: Language Maps (UBC Research Guide)
The Anishinnabemodaa App (Seven Generations Education Institute, the Rainy River District School Board, and SayITFirst)Indigenous Language and Culture Recordings (Government of Canada guide to recordings in archives across Canada)
Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre Inc. : Learning Ojibwe- Anishinaabemowin
National Indigenous Languages Day (March 31st) (Leddy resources)The Ojibwe People's Dictionary
Pronunciation de noms autochtones/Native Names Pronunciation
TV Ontario: Indigenous stories in Indigenous languages
- Legal Sources
see Law Library
Indigenous Law Research Unit (University of Victoria)Law Commission of Canada (ed). (2008). Indigenous Legal Traditions. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Napoleon, V., & Friedland, H. (2014). Indigenous Legal Traditions: Roots to Renaissance In Dubber, M., & Hörnle, T. (eds). The Oxford Handbook of Criminal Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Researching Aboriginal and Indigenous Law (Paul Martin Law Library, UWindsor)
Valiante, Guiseppe. (2016). Akwesasne creates first court in Canada for and by Indigenous people. The Canadian Press, Oct. 2.
- Settler Histories
see also Government Information
Classified digest of the records of the Society for the Propagation of the Bible in Foreign Parts, 1701-1892 (with much supplementary information)Hudson's Bay Company Archives (Archives of Manitoba)
The Indian Record: Leddy Library Microfilm (serials) - Main Bldng - Basement - Media Centre (BV2195 .I5 v.49 1986 )
- Social Justice
Social justice is related to all issues mentioned on this page. See those sections.
Aboriginal Issues (Centre for Social Justice)
- Spirituality and Religion
Indigenous Spiritual Practices (Ontario Human Rights Commission)
- Treaty Rights and Sovereignty
Aboriginal and Treaty Rights Information System (Government of Canada)
Aboriginal Lands and Economic Development. (Government of Canada. Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada)
Acts, Agreements, Treaties and Land Claims. (Government of Canada. Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada)
Indigenous Peoples Atlas of CanadaNational Aboriginal Economic Board.
Reconciliation, Treaties and Indigenous History in Canada: a Reading List
Treaty Texts (Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada)
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