First Peoples Research Guide


“By listening to your story, my story can change. By listening to your story, I can change.”*
The University of Windsor sits on the traditional territory of the Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations, comprised of the Ojibway, the Odawa, and the Potawatomie.

Indigenous Voices

Photo of Two Row Wampum above the whiteboard at Leddy Library, next to the Collaboratory.
    Significant Dates

    January 4 National Ribbon Skirt Day (Canada)

    February Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) events

    February 14th Have a Heart Day (Canada) 

    May 5th National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Native Women and Girls (USA) 

    June National Indigenous History Month (Canada) 

    June 21st National Indigenous Peoples Day (Canada) 

    August 9th International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples 

    September 30th Orange Shirt Day (Canada) 

    September 30th National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Canada)

    October 1-7, 2018 First Nations Public Library Week (FNPLW)

    October 4th Sisters in Spirit Vigils MMIWG (Manitoba, the day is honoured by Canada)

    October 11 Indigenous Peoples' Day (USA)

    November National Native American Heritage Month (USA) 

    First Week of November Treaties Recognition Week (Ontario) 

    First Friday after Thanksgiving. Native American Heritage Day (USA)

    Indigenous Voices

    2 Crees in a Pod

    Anikowaajimowinan "Sharing generations of traditional Anishinaabe knowledge"

    Canada 150: Contemporary Indigenous Voices (

    Elder's Traditional Knowledge Archive (University College of the North, MB)

    I am Indigenous (CBC, 2017)

    I am Indigenous (CBC, 2016)

    Indigenous Cinema (NFB)

    Indigenous Land, Urban Stories (Master's Students, Ryerson School of Journalism at FCAD)

    Maamiutaau (CBC GEM)

    mediaINDIGENA (twitter) mediaINDIGENA (web)

    Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre’s Archives

    Our Truth: the Youth Perspective on Residential Schools

    Raven's Quest (tvokids)

    ReconciliAction Resources: Podcasts and Radio (Danielle Bitz, University of Saskatchewan. University Library)

    Red Man Laughing - Whose Education Is It Anyway?

    Smoke Signals

    The Silent Enemy

    Taapwaywin: talking about what we know and what we believe (Podcast episodes)

    Toolkits (Reconciliation Canada)

    Unreserved with Rosanna Deerchild (CBC)

    What I Wish My Professors Knew About Me... (Western University)

    Yellowhead Institute (Indigenous think tank at Ryerson University)

    Indigenous Activism

    See #IndigenousActivism research guide.

    Select News/Media

    Anishinabek News and Archive

    Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN)

    Alia, V. (1999). Un/Covering the North: News, Media, and Aboriginal People. Vancouver, CA: UBC Press.

    Crey, K. (2016). Indigeneity, institutions of media culture, and the Canadian state since 1990ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

    First Nations and Indigenous Studies: Newspapers

    First Nations Historical News Sources 

    First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Publishers and Distributors (Sara McDowell, University of Toronto Libraries)

    First Nations Periodical Index

    First Nations Periodicals

    ImagineNATIVE (The Centre for Aboriginal Media)

    Indian & Cowboy

    Internet Archive. TV News Archive.



    List of First Nations Periodicals

    Mazina'iagan: A Chronicle of the lake Superior Ojibwe

    Métis Voyageur and Archive

    News Media, Television & Radio

    Ojibway TV (app available through the Apple Store or Google Play)

    Style Guide for Reporting on Indigenous People (Journalists for Human Rights)

    Warrior Publications For Archive see AMMSA.COM in list.

    Desire assistance?

    This research guide was developed with the assistance of members of the University of Windsor community. Please send suggestions or feedback to the Librarian. Miigwetch!

    * Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. (2015). Honouring the truth, reconciling for the future: summary of the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, p. 21.

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      Your Contact

      Jennifer Soutter's picture
      (519) 253-3000 ext.3186
      Leddy Library 105 - West Building