Indigenous activism through an Indigenous lens.
Always updating so please send suggestions to jsoutter @ uwindsor . ca
- Significant Dates
For Significant Dates see First Peoples Research Guide
- Activists
This is not intended to be a comprehensive list.
- Leona Aglukkaq, Inuk
- Michele Audette, Inuk
- Christi Belcourt, Métis
- Cindy Blackstock, Gitxsan Nation
- Ta'Kaiya Blaney, Tla'Amin First Nation
- Marion Buller, Mistawasis First Nation (Cree)
- Tantoo Cardinal, Cree and Métis
- Larissa Crawford, Métis and Jamaican
- Eriel Deranger, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation
- Ellen Gabriel/Katsitsakwas, Kanehsatà:ke Nation
- Nanook Gordon, Inuk
- Elijah Harper, Red Sucker Lake First Nation (Oji-Cree)
- Idle No More: Sylvia McAdam, Big River First Nation, Treaty 6; Jessica Gordon, Pasqua First Nation, Treaty 4; Sheelah McLean (non-Indigenous); Nina Wilson, Kahkewistahaw First Nation, Treaty 4
- Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs, Kahnawa:ke Mohawk Territory
- Kiley May, Hotinonhshón:ni, Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) and Turtle Clan from Six Nations of the Grand River
- Nishiyuu Walkers, The Journey of Nishiyuu
- Sheila North, Bunibonibee Cree Nation
- Notorious Cree/James Jones, Tallcree First Nation, Treaty Six
- Shina Novalinga, Inuk
- Alanis Obomsawin, Abenaki Nation
- Pamela Palmater, Eel Bar First Nation (Mi'kmaq)
- Sage Paul, English River First Nation
- Autumn Peltier, Wiikwemkoong First Nation on Manitoulin Island
- Buffy Sainte-Marie, Piapot Cree First Nation
- Chief Theresa Spence, Attawapiskat First Nation
- Shayla Oulette Stonechild, Muscowpetung First Nation, Treaty 4
- Tanya Tagaq, Inuk
- Bridget Tolley, Kitigan Zibi First Nation
- Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Inuk
- Jesse Wente
- Dr. Nel Wieman M.Sc., MD,FRCPC, Little Grand Rapids First Nation, Anishinaabe Nation (Saulteaux/Ojibwa)
- Jody Wilson-Raybould/Puglaas, We Wai Kai Nation
Indigenous Peoples in Canada: A Bibliography of Legal and Other Works to 1994 (Osgoode Hall Law School, York University)- Campaigns, Movements, Indigenous Organizations
This is not intended to be a comprehensive list.- #1492landbacklane
- APTN (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network)
- #CancelCanadaDay
- #DataBack
- Fairy Creek aka TFL 46
- Idle No More
- Indigenous Action and Accomplices Not Allies
- Indigenous Environmental Network @IENearth
- @IndigenousPpls
- Jordan's Principle
- #LandBack
- lobster fishing, NB
- #MMIW, No More Stolen Sisters
- No More Silence @N0M0reSilence
- #NativeTwitter
- Trick or Treaty?
- trophy hunting, Quebec wildlife reserves
- Unist'ot'en Camp @UnistotenCamp
- #WarriorLifePodcast
- water protectors
- #WetsuwetenStrong
- Yellowhead Institute
- Earlier Resistance
Rayanna Seymour-Hourie. July 1, 2020. Indigenous activism in Canada’s past, present and future. West Coast Environmental Law.
Dyck, N., & Sadik, T., Indigenous Political Organization and Activism in Canada (2020). In The Canadian Encyclopedia.
Mary Two-Axe Earley: I Am Indian Again [film; 34 min] which looks at the effects of the gender discrimination in the Indian Act. The Q&A from Hot Docs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFQRgwv9SwE
Kanesatake Resistance, or the Mohawk Resistance at Kanesatake, or the Oka Crisis. A 78-day standoff (11 July–26 September 1990). Multiple films at the NFB. Oka Crisis (books and e-books at Leddy)
1979 Tobique Women's March, see Caroline Ennis on the 1979 Tobique Women's March and Enough is Enough
Akwesasne (1969) You Are On Indian Land,[1]
Hydro-Québec James Bay project (1970s, late 1980s/early 1990s: The Great Whale project). Amisk (1977), Power (1996)
Louis Riel.
Indigenous Peoples in Canada: A Bibliography of Legal and Other Works to 1994 (Osgoode Hall Law School, York University) and
Bibliography on Indigenous Rights in Canada, 1995-2022 (Osgoode Hall Law School, York University)- Values
Relational, Reciprocity, Respect, Responsibility
The Land
Land Governance videos (David Suzuki Foundation) Land Governance: Past, Land Governance: Present, Land Governance: Future
Traditional Knowledge Systems
George Nicholas. It’s taken thousands of years, but Western science is finally catching up to Traditional Knowledge. The Conversation. Feb. 14, 2018.
Settee, P. (2007). Pimatisiwin: Indigenous knowledge systems, our time has come (Doctoral dissertation, University of Saskatchewan). Also available through Proquest Dissertations and Theses if the link here is not working.
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