Indigenous Communities and Organizations


Peoples and communities of relevance to the Great Lakes area of Southwestern Ontario and Michigan are identified below. The photos of totems and other images are located in the Collaboratory space in Leddy Library. Based on drawings by Russell Nahdee.

Great Lakes (Erie and Huron) Indigenous Peoples and their Communities

For Canadian maps see Government Information, and Google Maps (search for the Indigenous community, Canada-only).

Note these are communities located in the settler identified area known as Southwestern Ontario with a geographically close few in the settler identified area known as Michigan.

Aamjiwnaang First Nation 

Caldwell First Nation

Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point, also known as Kettle and Stony Point First Nation

Chippewas of the Thames First Nation

Eelünaapéewi Lahkéewiit Delaware Nation also known as Moravian of the Thames

Kettle and Stony Point First Nation

Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation

Moravian of the Thames also known as the Delaware Nation

Munsee-Delaware Nation

Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi (Michigan)

Oneida Nation of the Thames First Nation

Pokégnek Bodéwadmik Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians (Michigan)

Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe (Michigan)

Six Nations of the Grand River

Walpole Island First Nation – Bkejwanong Territory

Community Organizations

Aboriginal Child Resource Centre (Windsor)

Aboriginal Education (Council of Ontario Universities)

Assembly of First Nations (Canada)

Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre (Windsor)

Chiefs of Ontario 

Indigenous Education (Greater Essex County District School Board)

Indigenous Education (Windsor-Essex Catholic School Board)

Indigenous Education (Colleges and Institutes Canada)

Infinite Reach: Métis Student Solidarity Network (Ontario) 

International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs

Métis Nation of Ontario

N'Amerind Friendship Centre (London)

Native Student Alliance (UWindsor: inactive group)

Native Women's Association of Canada

Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres

Southern First Nations Secretariat

Transitions: Supporting First Nations, Métis and Inuit Students in School and Career Success

Tungasuvvingat Inuit

University-based Communities

Aboriginal Cultural & Learning Centre (Lambton College)

Aboriginal Initiatives (Lakehead University)

Aboriginal Institutes (Ontario)

Aboriginal Leadership Opportunity Year (Royal Military College)

Aboriginal Resource Centre (University of Guelph)

Aboriginal Resource Centre (University of Ottawa)

Aboriginal Student Services (Brock University)

Aboriginal Student Services (Toronto Metropolitan University)

American Indian and Indigenous Studies (Michigan State University)

American Indians at the University of Michigan

Anishinaabe Students (Algoma University and Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig)

Centre for Aboriginal Culture and Education (Carleton University)

Centre for Aboriginal Student Services (York University)

Centre for Indigenous Studies (University of Toronto)

Enji giigdoyang – Office of Aboriginal Initiatives (Nipissing University)

First Nations Centre (Fanshawe College)

First Nation, Métis and Inuit Centre (St. Clair College)

First Peoples House of Learning (Trent University)

Four Directions Aboriginal Student Centre (Queen's University)

Indigenous Services (Western University)

Indigenous Student Affairs (Laurentian University)

Indigenous Student Services (University of Ontario Institute of Technology)

Indigenous Student Services (Wilfred Laurier University)

Indigenous Studies Program (McMaster University)

Indigenous Visual Cultural Student Centre (OCADU)

Indigenous Visual Culture at OCAD University (OCADU)

Native American Student Organization (Wayne State University)

Turtle Island - Aboriginal Education Centre (University of Windsor)

Waterloo Aboriginal Education Centre (University of Waterloo)



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Leddy Library 105 - West Building