Chemistry and Biochemistry

Use this page to connect to a variety of chemistry databases, curated research guides on how to find chemical information, and learn about library services. Do not hesitate to contact us when you have questions on how to form a research question, explore chemistry literature and patents and finding chemical and property data – we are here to help!
Undergraduate students

The Leddy Library provides you with spaces and services to help you succeed with your studies in chemistry and biochemistry. Use the library as a place to study by yourself or to collaborate with others. We also have millions of resources that you can use to support your studies – textbooks, journals, databases and more.

There are lots of services that are available to you as well. For help developing research questions, and finding information & data, you can reach out to me. Use the Writing Support Desk for assistance with writing, and the Academic Data Centre for assistance with data analysis and statistics.

Graduate students

The Library is here to support you through your studies and research. Take advantage of our deep collection of chemistry information resources, which you can discover in Omni and on our Research Tools page (below). I am here to assist you with finding chemical information (articles, patents, data, theses, etc.)

As a graduate student, you may also find our copyright services and information helpful as you write your thesis or dissertation – or with using materials in a class or lab that you TA or instruct. If you have questions about the scholarly publishing process, and on how to understand research impact metrics, feel free to reach out to me.

Finally, the Academic Data Centre is available to assist you with data and statistical analysis. We also provide you with guidance on proper research data management practices, which will enable you to work more efficiently and openly.

Faculty, post-doctoral fellows and research staff

The Library is here to support your research and teaching. Take advantage of our deep collection of chemistry information resources, which you can discover in Omni and on our Research Tools page (below). I am here to assist you with finding chemical information (articles, patents, data, theses, etc). Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have suggestions for additions to the collection.

I am here to assist with information seeking (recommending resources, tracking down chemical information), and have expertise on literature reviews and knowledge syntheses. I have also done work in text and data analysis, using Python and R, and can provide consultation on mining scholarly data.

The Library also provides services to support you through the publication process. I can suggest journals for publishing and help you make your research Open Access. Take advantage of article publishing fee discounts that the library has negotiated for various journal publishers. We can also provide assistance in understanding research impact metrics.

Finally, the Academic Data Centre is available to assist you with data and statistical analysis. We also provide you with guidance on proper research data management practices, which will enable you to work more efficiently and meet guidelines from funding agencies.

I can develop workshops, lectures, assignments and guides on information seeking, scholarly publishing practices, and research metrics for your class. The Library also helps to provide students information resources for your course. Requests can be as simple as setting aside print books in Course Reserve, or you can submit a reading list to us and we'll digitize book chapters, journal articles or provide you with durable links for the materials. We also provide information and support for navigating copyright in teaching.

Send us a message 

Your Contact

Scholarly Communications Librarian
(519) 253-3000 ext.3171
Leddy Library 103 - West Building

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