Dave Johnston's blog

Sci-Hub Problems and Questions

► Sci-Hub Problems and Questions

What is Sci-Hub?

Sci-Hub is a search interface that works with a repository called Library Genesis (LibGen) to give readers access to a collection of articles taken illegally from scientific journals. In addition to drawing on the LibGen repository, Sci-Hub also uses the login credentials of university employees to bypass institutional authentication barriers and access journal content to which the university has licensed access.

OSSA 11 Argumentation, Objectivity and Bias: Proceedigns available Open Access

The Leddy Library is happy to announce the publication of the proceedings of the 11th Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference. This year's timely theme is Argumentation, Objectivity and Bias. The 174 articles, commentaries, and keynotes are now available open access in Scholarship at UWindsor along with the publications from OSSA 1-10. Thanks to everyone involved in making this possible. 

From the OSSA 11 editors: 

Open Access Week 2016 Events (Oct 24th-28th)

The Leddy Library invites you to our Open Access Week 2016 events. Open Access Week (October 24 - 28th) is a global event now entering its eighth year. This international event is an opportunity for researchers around the world to continue to learn about the benefits of Open Access, to share their experience with colleagues, and to help improve access to scholarship and research around the world.

UWill Discover 2017 Submissions are Now Open!

What Have You Discovered?

Submissions are now open! The UWill Discover conference is an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your research or original creative work in a professional setting before your peers, faculty, and the public. Each presentation will be reviewed by expert faculty and guest respondents. Prizes will be awarded in many different categories!

Students in any undergraduate discipline are eligible to participate in the UWill Discover conference. You will present your research at the conference on March 31, 2017.

Leddy Library Research Question Competition 2016 is here!

Welcome to the 2016 Leddy Library Research Question Competition!

Is there something you're curious about? Do you have an interesting, engaging or even amusing research question? If so submit it to the Leddy Library Research Question Competition for a chance to win one of three 50$ prizes!

When is it?

Submissions are open from September 12th - 30th.

Humanities Week Events from September 12-16th!

Thanks to the support of the President’s Office and the grand success of last year’s “Why Humanities” Week, we are very excited to announce that Humanities Week will take place September 12-16th! In a popular repeat from last year’s event, students will have an opportunity to win a semester of free tuition by submitting their take on What do the Humanities Mean to You? Entrants are asked to produce a video, essay, poem or proclamation outlining the importance and value of the humanities.

Notice: Google Scholar & Library Resource Problems

This notice is for users who are attempting to access library resources through Google Scholar. Unfortunately at this time users will be unable to link to the library's electronic resources from Google Scholar. This is a priority issue and we hope to see service restored soon. In the meantime, you can continue to find resources through the following platforms:

The library's search interface: http://led.uwindsor.ca/one-stop-search

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