Dave Johnston's blog

Scholarship at UWindsor Annual Report

Another year has come and gone and the Scholarship at UWindsor institutional repository continues to grow, showcasing and providing open access to the research and creative activity from faculty members, graduates and undergraduates from around our campus. Take a look at our annual report to see the impact Windsor research is having around the world.

Open Access Week 2014 is here!

International Open Access Week (October 20-26th is) is a global event in its eighth year which draws attention to the benefits of Open Access to research and seeks to make Open Access a new norm in scholarship and research. To borrow from Peter Suber, Director of the Harvard Office for Scholarly Communication , "Open-access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions.

The New Leddy Library Information Desk is now Open!

It's open and it's beautiful! After many months, the wait is over! On July 31st, the Leddy Library opened its brand new "one stop shop" for students, staff and faculty. The desk includes services from 3 areas (reference, circulation and IT assistance) conveniently located as you enter the building. Joey Zhou, an HK grad student, is the first to use our brand new circulation desk! Yay!! Please drop by and check out our new area!


Taylor & Francis Online Scheduled downtime March 1st - 2nd

The Taylor & Francis Online platform will undergo scheduled downtime.This will start on Saturday 1st March 2014 at 16:00 GMT and will end on Sunday 2nd March 2014 at 08:00 GMT. Taylor & Francis Online will be unavailable for a duration of 16 hours.

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