Discontinuation of Safari Books

Safari Books discontinued
Safari Books, a package of 299 technology e-books from O’Reilly Media, has been discontinued by the vendor and is no longer available to students, faculty and staff. O’Reilly has replaced the previous package with a new e-learning platform, similar to Lynda.com. The University of Windsor already provides free access to Lynda.com for students, faculty and staff!
A review of the usage statistics for Safari Books revealed that the package had low use, save for a few specific titles. The most-used titles were textbook-like, with instructional content. A comparison of the current collection against the topics used in Safari Books revealed good coverage in our collection, and gaps will be filled with the purchase of new material.

Please see below for alternative resources that the Library licences, and find many more by searching the catalogue. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Roger Reka, Science Data Librarian.  
Alternative books on mobile application development
Allen, G. (2015). Beginning Android (Fifth ed.)
MacLean, D., Komatineni, S., & Allen G. (2015). Pro Android 5
Paul, A., & Nalwaya, A. (2016). React Native for iOS Development
Alternative books on Python
Hetland, M. (2017). Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional (3rd ed.)
Padmanabhan, T. (2016). Programming with Python
Kalb, I., (2016). Learn to Program with Python
Alternative books on Modeling
Larman, C. (2002). Applying UML and patterns: An introduction to object-oriented analysis and design and the unified process (2nd ed.)
Dathan, B., & Ramnath, S. (2015). Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and Implementation: An Integrated Approach (2nd ed)
Weilkiens, T. (2007). Systems engineering with SysML/UML modeling, analysis, design.
Open textbooks
Browse these resources to find a variety of free and open textbooks on technology and computer science.

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