Grrrl Collected

Riot Grrl book on the shelf

A few years ago, I started a collection at NYU’s Fales Library & Special Collections to document the feminist Riot Grrrl movement in its formative and most active years, from 1989 to 1997. Originally a reaction against the failures of punk to extend its DIY model of empowerment to women, Riot Grrrl encouraged young women to form their own bands, self-publish personal stories and revolutionary agendas in zines, and carve out safe spaces in a violent, misogynist culture.

So begins archivist Lisa Darms' short reflection of on her favorites from The Riot Grrrl Collection in The Paris Review.

And you can look through 350 pages of Riot Grrrl zine culture collected by New York University's Fales Library, if you pick up The Riot Grrrl Collection, which is currently sitting on our New Arrivals shelf behind the Leddy Library Reference Desk.

TIL there is a Library of Congress Subject Heading dedicated to Riot Grrrl.

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