Today, student leaders from Coalition large de l'Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (CLASSE) who helped organize the massive students protests in Quebec earlier this year will be on the University of Windsor campus as part of a speaking tour. The panel discussion begins at 5 p.m. in the Commons area of the CAW Student Centre. As reported by The Windsor Star, Monday's panel will feature CLASSE members Hugo Bonin and Audrey Deveault, and Montreal student union representative Marianne Breton Fontaine
For more information about the Quebec student protests, I recommend checking out this McGill Libraries Research Guide on the topic by Megan Fitzgibbons.
This guide lists sources of background information, current news and statements from relevant groups, and resources for further research on the Quebec student movement of 2011-2012 and related topics. It is a work in progress and is meant to be used critically, so suggestions are welcome. For now, the annotations are in English, but the resources are both French and English.
[photo from at http://anticapitalistes.net/spip.php?article3113 / CC BY-NC-SA 2.5]
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