Journals are hosted on the Open Journal System (OJS). Developed and maintained by the Public Knowledge Project hosted at Simon Fraser University, OJS is used by hundreds of academic institutions globally to provide a complete open access journal publishing solution. Nearly 35,000 journals worldwide used OJS in 2021.
Check out the journals that we host.
There are responsibilities for both the Leddy Library and the journal editors, which will be articulated in a Memorandum of Understanding.- What we do
The Leddy Library:
- Provide access to shared OJS, which is kept current and hosted at the University of Toronto Libraries by OCUL Scholars Portal staff and librarians
- Ensure long-term preservation of the digital content and public access via OJS via OCUL’s Ontario Library Research Cloud
- Provide overview training for how to use the platform and workflow options
- Leddy’s Scholarly Communication Librarian will work with the editorial board to establish the new title and advise on best practices
- Leddy provides first line technical support for answering questions, solving problems and helping to publish new issues of our hosted journals
- We can help with requesting E-ISSN registration, via Library & Archives Canada
- Issue Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) for each article published in your journal, via CrossRef, which we subscribe to
- We can register your new journal in the Directory of Open Access Journals
- We will support editors with annual journal activity and impact information and help them with SSHRC Aid to Scholarly Journals applications
- We ensure that the journal contents are harvested globally to other search engines and open access aggregators, such as Google and OpenAire
- What journal editors are responsible for
Journal editors:
- A commitment to produce at least one volume/issue of the journal per year
- Marketing and publicity for the journal amongst your academic community
- Issuing a Call for Papers, assigning reviewers, reviewing and decisioning papers for inclusion in the journal
- Any copyediting of articles
- Putting together new issues of the journal; we can help publish new issues for you, if you would prefer
- Leddy Library needs to be acknowledged as a partner in the publication of the journal, both in each issue and as a graphic on the journal website
Submit a proposal
We look forward to assisting you with your publishing project.Please contact us for a consultation at: scholarship@uwindsor.ca