Often times you want a more particular collection of articles directly relevant to gender and sexuality studies. Databases are often themed, and as such are less likely to provide articles entirely unrelated to your topic. They also sometimes provide useful information about authors, and article statistics. If you’re looking for scholarship on and/or by Indigiqueer or Two-Spirit people the ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database (in the General Databases section below) is the best place to look!
- Historical or Archival Databases
Defining Gender, 1450-1910
Digital Transgender Archives
GLBT Historical Society
Rise Up! Feminist Digital Archive – Canadian feminism: 1970s-1990s- General Databases
Of the databases below JSTOR and Academic Search Complete are the best place to start for undergraduate students.
Academic Search Complete
ProQuest All Databases
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses
ProQuest Social Sciences
Scholars Portal Journals
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