On October 10th, the Humanities Research Group hosted a reception to celebrate all professors in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences who have published scholarly books in the past two years.
Making use of our library's catalogue wonderful list-making ability, I was quickly able to pull together a public list of all the books from the celebration that are currently available at the Leddy Library. (Those not on the list are on order).
One of my favourite features of our library catalogue is the ability to add book covers to those records that don't display them. All one has to do is to add the images to the corresponding entry in The Open Library (see here for an example), wait some days for the new information to fetched and indexed, and then the covers appear not only in the University of Windsor's library catalogue, but any other library catalogue that runs Evergreen and uses Open Library for images. I've added images to the books in the HRG list and we should be seeing the book covers appear shortly.
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