Leddy's hidden stash of awesome books

book cover of Manga Shakespeare Hamlet

It's getting so close to December Holiday Recess which means more time for reading! University of Windsor student Nabila Sharieff has kindly shared with us some of her choices of awesome books that you can find at Leddy for your own reading pleasure.

And if you are interesting in sharing your list of favourite books and other treasures of the Leddy, please send them our way for sharing.

Reading has always been my favorite past time. Which is why I was delighted to discover the Leddy Library on arriving at the University of Windsor from my home seven seas away in India. To most of us, Leddy is a place to study, borrow textbooks, and maybe work on assignments. But to me, it became much more than that. As I discovered its halls, it became my favorite place on campus, not even succumbing to the grand Centre for Engineering and Innovation where I would eventually have all my classes.

I fell in love with the 4th floor terrace where if I chose a strategic chair, I could watch the rain symphony for hours. And even more, I became enchanted with Leddy’s books. Like any other student, if I didn’t have to, I wouldn’t lay a finger on a textbook. But I discovered the Harry Potter books, the entire graphic novel collection of Peanuts, and the classic movies in the basement.

Now that I’m graduating, I’d love to leave this legacy of unknown media to those that come after me. My top 15 books are listed below (with call numbers because who has time to look them up?)

Let’s start with the classics:

  1. The Great Gatsby : Main Bldng - 3rd Floor (PS 3511 .I9 G7 1991)
  2. The catcher in the rye : Juvenile Books - West Bldng - 1st Flr. (PS 3537 .A426 C3 2001)
  3. To kill a mockingbird : Main Bldng - 3rd Floor (PS3562.E4 T6 1965)
  4. 1984 : Main Bldng - 3rd Floor (PR6029.R8 N49 1992)
  5. The Lord of the Rings (All 3 books in one!) : Main Bldng - 3rd Floor (PR6039.O32 L6)

Stumble onto the absolutely fantastic graphic novels:

  1. Hamlet (Yes, Shakespeare is no longer boring! I finished 5 of his works in 3 days… Granted they were all graphic novels): Main Bldng - 3rd Floor (PN 6737 .A66 H36 2007)
  2. Batman : the Dark Knight returns (I could not contain my excitement on discovering this): Main Bldng - 3rd Floor (PN 6728 .B36 M55 2002)
  3. The complete Peanuts: Main Bldng - 3rd Floor (PN6728.P4 S136 2004 v.5)
  4. Feynman (A fantastic book on the life of theoretical physicist Richard Feynman): Main Bldng - 3rd Floor (PN 6727 .O78 F49 2011)
  5. The adventures of Tintin (A trip down memory lane): Main Bldng - 3rd Floor (PN 6790 .B44 T56313 2008 v.2)

And end with the popular books:

  1. Inferno (We have all of Dan Brown’s books!) : Main Bldng - 3rd Floor (PS 3552 .R685434 I54 2013)
  2. The diary of a wimpy kid (The first 3 graphic novels!) : Juvenile Books - West Bldng - 1st Flr. (PZ 7 .K6232 D523 2009)
  3. The Kite Runner: (By Khaled Hosseini) : Main Bldng - 3rd Floor (PS 3608 .O832 K58 2003)
  4. Is everyone hanging out without me? (By Mindy Kaling) : Main Bldng - 1st Flr - Cafe Area (PN6165 .K35 2011)
  5. Bossypants(By Tina Fey!) : Main Bldng - 3rd Floor (PN 2287 .F4255 A3 2011 )

These are just 15 of the 100+ books I’ve borrowed over 4 years and are the tip of the iceberg of books that Leddy has. No more coming to Leddy just for course reserves. I fell in love with reading here and I hope you do too…

-Nabila Sharieff


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