First Year History Students Make Posters for Digital Archives
In describing this assignment for his 43-110 class, Dr Adam Pole writes:
"Students in the Past to Present: Understanding History course undertook a research project to study one of Leddy Library’s historical databases. Collaborating in small groups the students researched the scope and nature of the database, analysed its search functions and content, and selected one document (book, map, medical chart, eye witness account and so on) from the database to study in detail. The groups compiled their findings into a research report and presented it to their fellow students in a live presentation. They also created a poster to encapsulate and promote the database for fellow University of Windsor students. I was really impressed with the collaboration of the students, and the interesting ideas they presented in their posters. The project intended to introduce first-year History Majors to historical research, and to get used to using the Leddy Library databases which will be so useful for them in their upper-year courses."
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