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Update to the library catalogue: video filter and holds are back

Dec 14, 2012
Posted By: Mita Williams
Our library catalogue has been lovingly updated and with the update comes the return of two features that we know were missed.

Food for Fines from Nov 26th to Dec 14th

Nov 21, 2012
Posted By: Mita Williams
For the week of November 26th - December 14th 2012, you can donate food for fines! That's right! You can make a donation to the University of Windsor Food Bank and help fellow students reducing your own library fines. Here are the conditions:
photo of five library staff members bearing mustaches

Team Mo Leddy

Nov 13, 2012
Posted By: Mita Williams
A group from the Leddy Library is hoping to change the face of men’s health, and its members are putting their faces on the line.
screenshot of the five directions of our strategic plan

Leddy Library's plan commits to leadership in learning

Nov 12, 2012
Posted By: Mita Williams
Student input helped to inform the strategic direction of the Leddy Library, says its dean Gwen Ebbett, and its focus on five key points. The library recently unveiled its plan, which dovetails with the objectives of the University’s plan, Thinking Forward … Taking Action.
screenshot of library catalogue showing floor location

Where is that book? Now you know!

Nov 5, 2012
Posted By: Mita Williams
Our library catalogue tells you a lot of things about the books that we have in our collection, but for a period of time, it didn't tell you on what floor your books were located and you had to look up each item in this table on our website:
image of student unable to access a paper behind a paywall.

Reading about Open Access can be hard. So we have videos

Oct 26, 2012
Posted By: Mita Williams
It's almost the end of Open Access Week and I don't know about you, but I'm having a hard time reading large amounts of text on a Friday afternoon. If you are in the same boat, then you might appreciate these videos about Open Access.
book cover: David Jones

New books from the University of Windsor's Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Oct 17, 2012
Posted By: Mita Williams
On October 10th, the Humanities Research Group hosted a reception to celebrate all professors in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences who have published scholarly books in the past two years.
Scholarship at UWindsor Banner

Scholarship at UWindsor Launch Nov 1st

Oct 11, 2012
Posted By: Dave Johnston
The University of Windsor and Leddy Library are excited to announce the launch of the Scholarship at UWindsor Institutional Repository. Scholarship at UWindsor is created with and maintained through the use of BePress's Digital Commons software service.
MPublising University of Michigan Logo

MPublishing's Shana Kimball: Oct 23 2-4pm Leddy Library 4th Floor Lounge

Oct 1, 2012
Posted By: Dave Johnston
Scholarly communication and academic publishing are quickly evolving and these developments are transforming the way we share research and scholarship. The Open Access movement has gained momentum and online electronic publishing is generating new avenues for communication.
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