"Employment Equity and the Grievance Process: Lessons Learned at the University of Windsor." Invited conference presentation. CAUT Senior Grievance Officers Forum, December 2015.
"The Purelegance Hand-Sanitizing Fountain." Kinetic sculpture installation, with Jodi Green. Artcite Inc. Visual Fringe (juried group exhibition), July 2011.
"Synergies: What's now, what's next, and what about you?" Refereed conference presentation, with Rea Devakos, Wayne Johnston, and Andrea Kosovic. Ontario Library Association Superconference, January 2011.
"The Development and Application of a Unique Percentage-Based Allocations Formula at the University of Windsor." With Anne Kaay. Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services 32.2 (2008): 92-96.
"Leddy Library Collection Policy White Paper." December, 2007.
"The Inside-out Library." Presentation, with Mita Williams. University of Windsor Technology Day, June 2007.
"Busting Budget Barriers." Refereed conference presentation, with Katharine Ball and Anne Kaay. Ontario Library Association Superconference, February 2007.
"How We Did(n't do) It: Reflections on Structural Change in an Academic Library." CACUL Occasional Paper #16. 2006.
"Embedding Information Literacy: Curriculum Mapping." Workshop, with Lisa Sloniowski. CFL Summer Institute. June 2004.
"Takin' it to the Streets: Using Focus Groups to Design a Responsive IL Programme." Refereed conference presentation, with Lisa Sloniowski. Workshops in Library Use (WILU), May 2003.
"Writing Across the Curriculum: I write, therefore I learn." Workshop, with Ruthanne Tobin, Moira McCarney, Melanie Gallant, and Lisa Sloniowski. CFL Teaching Enhancement Series. November 2002.
"Go WILD! - Windsor Information Literacy Development." Refereed e-poster session, with Karen Baracat. Workshops in Library Use (WILU), May 2002.
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