Administrative Copying

Under the Fair Dealing Policy, University of Windsor faculty and staff may copy and distribute a Short Excerpt if the purpose of the copying is directly tied to the education of students, subject to the safeguards discussed below.


Administrative copying that falls within the Fair Dealing Policy must comply with the following safeguards:

  • Copies of the Short Excerpt are only provided to faculty members, administrative staff and students enrolled in the university who require copies for the educational purpose for which it was made;

  • If a copy of a Short Excerpt is made available electronically on a server or other device, the server or other device must be secure (e.g. password protected) and the copy must be accessible only by the persons referred to in item 1 (Note: email and posting to a Blackboard Learn site dedicated to such administrative purposes, are permissible modes of distribution.

Examples of administrative copying that would fall within the policy are:

  • the making of a copy of the Short Excerpt for the purpose of training administrative staff; and

  • copying the Short Excerpt and providing the copies to members of the board of governors or to members of a faculty or department committee for governance or general administrative purposes relating to the operation of the university.

Note: the fair dealing exception may apply to these instances of copying, but a separate fair dealing analysis must be undertaken to ensure compliance with the Copyright Act. If fair dealing is not available, compliance with the Copyright Act may be achieved by utilizing one of the UofW's electronic subscription licenses or obtaining permission from the copyright holder directly.

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