- Canadian Statistics
Education Indicators in Canada
The Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP) draws from a wide variety of data sources to provide information on the school-age population, elementary, secondary and postsecondary education, transitions, and labour market outcomes.
Education Highlights: 2016 Census Findings
Educational attainment and other census statistics. See also Statistics Canada
Education, Training and Learning CMEC: Canadian Council of Ministers of Education
Provincial/Territorial reports and links Canadian Education Association: Research & PublicationsPost-Secondary
Canadian Association of University Teachers Almanac of Post-Secondary Education in CanadaQuick source for budgets, faculty salaries etc. Annual with online archives back to 2002. Council of Ontario Universities Common University Data Ontario (CUDO)
Programs, enrolement, class size, expenses, student surveys, etc. Canadian University Survey Consortium
Reports on the results of national student surveys going back to 1997. Facts and Stats - Universities CanadaPrimary and Secondary
Ontario Education Quality and Accountability Office
Standardized testing results for schools, boards, and province. Ontario Ministry of Education School Information Finder
General information on student enrolment, staffing, student achievement and financial information, starting with the 1998-1999 school year. Includes the School Board Progress Reports. OECD PISA Study: Performance of Canada's Youth in Science, Reading and Mathematics
Performance of 15 year olds on cross-national comparisions of achievement. Data Access.- PISA Canada
Reports from the Canadian portion of the Program in International Student Assessment, which tests secondary students' knowledge and skills in mathematics, reading, and science. - Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program
- Teacher's Guide to Data Discovery
- Census at School: Statistics Canada / Statistical Society of Canada
- PISA Canada
- U.S. and International Statistics
United States
National Center for Education Statistics
Almost everything you could want is here... somewhere. National Center for Education Statistics Common Core of Data
Fiscal and non-fiscal data collected from public schools, public school districts and state education agencies in the United States.International and Comparative Data
OECD Education Statistics
Education performance, enrolement, and other indicators for OECD countries. PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment, OECD) UNESCO Institute for Statistics
Global and internationally comparable statistics on education, science, culture and communication. World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) Global indicators on key educational issues, including: access, completion, learning, expenditures, policy, and equity.
- Microdata for Analysis
Survey data from Statistics Canada can be accessed through ODESI at Scholar's Portal
Relevant datasets include the National Longitudinal Surveys of Children and Youth, Canadian data from the International Youth Survey, the General Social Surveys, and others. Look at the data under "Social Surveys" as well as "Education".
U.S. National Longitudinal Surveys
Surveys following youth as they grow into adulthood. Includes education questions and results of cognitive and other tests. Useful for tracking long-term outcomes.
U.S. National Center for Education Statistics
See for example the ELS (Education Longitudinal Study of 2002), HSLS (High School Longitudinal Study of 2009), and others. U.S. public use government data tends to be more detailed than Canadian (has detail that in Canada would be restricted)
PreK-3rd Data Resource Center
Provides access to a collection of U.S.Prekindergarten through Third Grade longitudinal datasets. A very strong collection for investigating early childhood education.
World's largest social science data archive. Education data includes research surveys of students, and teachers, administrative data on the U.S. educational system, public opinion polls asking about education, and unique resources such as surveys of school trustees.
The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA)
Data from large-scale, international comparative studies of educational achievement. Includes Canada. Downloadable datasets include the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, Information Technology in Education Study, and others.
Child Care & Early Education Research Connections
Has pointers to a large collection of datasets related to child care and early education. Covers both American and International public-use datasets.
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