Navigating article publishing charges: From fee to free (second offering)

Navigating article publishing charges: From fee to free
Discover the ins and outs of Open Access article publishing charges. This workshop will equip researchers with the knowledge and strategies to make informed decisions about sharing their research openly. 

Learning outcomes: 

  • Gain a clear understanding of the different Open Access publishing models and how they affect research accessibility. 
  • Explore the motivations behind publishing fees and learn about funding options, including what is covered by the library’s license agreements with publishers. 
  • Discover alternative routes for Open Access publishing. 
This workshop will appeal to the research community, including faculty members, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and research staff.



  • Roger Reka, Electronic Resources Librarian
  • Pascal Calarco, Scholarly Communications Librarian
Event Date: 
Dec 7, 2023
Event Time: 
Leddy Library Collaboratory and Microsoft Teams (hybrid)
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