The Leddy Library will reduce its hours Monday, February 18, opening 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for Family Day.
Leddy Library will maintain regular hours of operation through the remainder of Study Week for your studying needs.
The Leddy Library can now be found in the University of Windsor's mobile app.
At the moment, you can check with a glance whether the library is open and with just a click, you can see what books you have out and when they are due back at the library.
The Leddy Library extends a hearty congratulations to the staff of The Paul Martin Law Library for their Service Excellence – Team award they received yesterday as part of the University of Windsor Employee Recognition Awards.
This past weekend, ten University of Windsor Computer Science students took up the challenge of the HackWE Code Jam: use the City of Windsor's set of Open Data to create an interesting app. And that they did:
Leddy Library's Brian Owens will be one of the panelists who will be discussing the role of libraries in Windsor and beyond at an upcoming free event being held at Biblioasis on January 29th at 7pm
Panel also features
Library Tours are being held again. You don't need to sign up - just show up!
Please join us at one of the times and dates above in the Lobby of the Leddy Library.
Digital file sharing has undoubtedly altered the landscape of music distribution. However, similar changes have not occurred within the realm of academic publishing. What might be dubbed as academic piracy was rarely heard of until the recent death of Aaron Swartz.
The following is a re-print of's January 4th post Ten Books to Contextualize Idle No More by Andrew Watson and Thomas Peace. Thomas Peace is a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Native American Studies Program at Dartmouth College; Andrew Watson is a PhD Candidate in the Department of History at York University. The original post has many other book recommendations made in response to the original ten suggestions - nine of which are currently available at the Leddy Library.
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