Windsor and Region Current Business Information

The following resources are starting points for finding current Windsor and Region business information. Some of the resources are freely available on the web. Others are Leddy Library subscriptions; if you are off-campus, you will have to sign on with your University of Windsor ID and email password. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact: Katharine Ball at (519) 253-3000, ext. 3852


Magazine and Newspaper Articles

Canadian Business and Current Affairs

Articles in Canadian business journals and magazines

Canadian Newsstream

Canadian newspaper articles; covers the print edition of the Windsor Star (full text: Oct. 20th, 1986 onwards with a 1 day delay); also the online edition of the Windsor Star (full text: Nov. 30th, 2017 onwards with a 1 day delay); the current issue is available online at the Windsor Star website; also has full text for the print editions of the Kingsville Reporter, the Lasalle Post, and the Tilbury Times from 2014 to 2020, when these titles ceased.

Other Local Business Magazines and Newspapers

Unfortunately, many local business magazines and newspapers are not indexed anywhere. This means that you have to browse through them issue by issue to find the information you are looking for.
Of the current business titles being published in Windsor, Windsor Business is the only one that the Leddy Library currently subscribes to. We have the print edition for 2002 onwards (Leddy Serials, West Building, 3rd Floor: HF3221.W55). The current edition is also freely available online at Windsor Business In addition to local business stories, this magazine has monthly updates on business permits, commercial litigations settled, newly incorporated businesses, and commercial property transfers.
The Windsor Public Library has the print edition of Biz X Magazine from 1998 onwards. It is also freely available online from 2016 onwards:


Mergent Intellect
Includes Canadian, U.S. and international companies; go to Advanced Search; allows you to create lists of companies by location, industry, and size; a variety of reports and download options are available.


An excellent database for suppliers of industrial products and services in the United States and Canada; can limit by location, company type, certifications, ownership, and product detail.

Economic Reports, Community Profiles, and Local Statistics

Conference Board of Canada E-Library

Has twice yearly economic outlook reports for Windsor. Type: Windsor into the search box.

Statistics Canada

The federal government provides free statistical information from the census and many other surveys:

Canadian Census of Population

Profile variables: basic demographics, education, ethnic origin, language, income, labour, religion, families and households, immigration and citizenship, and others

Profile geographies: national, provincial, county, metropolitan area, city, and smaller areas such as census tracts and dissemination areas that look at populations within a few blocks.

Topic based tabulations: these are available at many levels of geography, some down to metropolitan areas.

Other Surveys
Statistics Canada conducts hundreds of surveys that gather consumer and industry information, e.g. the Survey of Household Spending, the Annual Retail Trade Survey, and Canadian Business Patterns. One of the easiest ways to access some of this information is to use the Statistics Canada Subjects. Select the headings of interest, e.g. Income, pensions, spending and wealth; Retail and wholesale; Business and consumer services and culture.

Getting Help
Finding census and survey data can be quite complicated, so you may need to contact the
Academic Data Centre. Their email is:
Invest WindsorEssex
Brings together a wide range of local information, such as the cost of doing business, industry sector profiles, and a site locator. It also runs the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre.

Workforce WindsorEssex

Local industry and labour information

City of Windsor: For Business

Information on business improvement areas, planning, development, licenses, etc.

Outside of Windsor, see:

County of Essex: Doing Business

Updated: Katharine Ball, June 2024

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Your Contact

Katharine Ball's picture
(519) 253-3000 ext.3852
Leddy Library, Room 109, 1st Floor, West Building