Intercultural Communication in International Business

Use this guide in conjunction with other guides such as Country Information and International Industry Information. The following resources are suggested starting points for intercultural communication research in the global business environment. Some of the resources are freely available on the web. Others are Leddy Library subscriptions; if you are off-campus, you will have to sign on with your University of Windsor ID and email password. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact: Katharine Ball at (519) 253-3000, ext. 3852.


Search for print and e-books in the OMNI Database on the Library's home page. Limit your search by publication date, as appropriate. Try searches such as:

“intercultural communication”
"cross cultural communication"
“business communication”

The following e-books are a sample of what you will find:

Bridging the culture gap: a practical guide to business communication. 2nd ed. 2008 
Cross-cultural business behavior: a guide for global management. 5th ed. 2012
Cross-cultural practices in business and finance. 2023
Effective multicultural teams: theory and practice. 2008
Enhancing intercultural  communication in organizations. 2020
Global communication and collaboration. 2017
Intercultural communication. 2020
Leading global teams. 2015
Models for intercultural collaboration and negotiation. 2013
Palgrave handbook of cross-cultural business negotiation. 2019
Roadmap to intercultural proficiency. 2022
Working  in a multicultural world. 2018

Journal Articles

You can find journal articles on intercultural communication in international business by searching the following journal indexes:

Business Source Complete
ProQuest One Business
Communication and Mass Media Complete
Google Scholar

Try the same kind of search terms that you used to find books (see above).

Country Specific Databases and Reports

Countries and Their Cultures
Covers many topics, e.g. History and Ethnic Relations, Food and Economy, Social Stratification, Gender Roles and Statuses, Marriage, Family and Kinship, Socialization, Etiquette, etc.

Culture Crossing Guide
Information: on the Basics, for Business, and for Students; select your country top right.

CultureGrams (ProQuest)
Covers: Background, People, Customs and Courtesies, Lifestyle, and Society; off-campus, you will need to sign on with your UWindsor ID and email password.

Globe 2020
A large-scale study of cultural practices, leadership ideals, and trust.

Hofstede Insights
Country comparison: organizational culture, intercultural management, consumer culture

Negotiating International Business (Leadership Crossroads/Katz, Lothar)
Addresses the following topics: Introduction, Relationships and Respect, Communication, Initial Contact and Meetings, Negotiation, Agreements and Contracts, Women in Business, Other Important Things to Know

Reports that may help you understand the culture, lifestyles, and values of people in other countries. Select the Consumer tab at the top. Select your report. Then select your country.

World Values Survey (WVSA)
Detailed analysis of culture over time

Updated June 2024

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Katharine Ball's picture
(519) 253-3000 ext.3852
Leddy Library, Room 109, 1st Floor, West Building