Canadian Advertising Resources

This guide focuses on Canadian advertising resources that can be accessed by University of Windsor faculty, staff, and students, free-of-charge. If you need further assistance, please contact Katharine Ball at (519) 253-3000, ext. 3852




Advertising, Consumer Culture, and Canadian Society: A Reader / Kyle Asquith (Leddy Course Reserves, Main Building, 1st Floor: HF5813.C2 A38 2019)

Canadian Advertising in Action / Keith Tuckwell (Leddy Books, Main Building, 3rd Floor: HF5823.T82 2018)

Journal articles on all Canadian advertising topics can be found by searching databases such as:
Business Source Complete                            
Proquest Business                                         
Communication And Mass Media Complete   
Google Scholar

Try searches such as: advertising AND (roi OR "return on investment")    or    "brand loyalty" AND (millenials OR "generation y")

Limit by date, as appropriate.

Advertising Laws and Standards

Advertising and Marketing Law in Canada / Brenda Pritchard (Law Library Texts, 2nd Floor: KF1614.P75 2019): an expert overview
Ad Standards the Canadian advertising, self-regulatory bodyCanadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
the administrative tribunal that regulates and supervises Canadian broadcasting and telecommunications
  • Communications Marketing Report a detailed overview of the Canadian communication industry including revenues, subscriber data, audience measurement, household expenditures, technology penetration and emerging trends and issues.
Advertising Industry, Companies, and Brands

Advertising in Canada / Marketline: reports from 2003 to the present; has market overview, market data, segmentation, outlook, strategic analysis
Advertising in Canada / Euromonitor: type Advertising in Canada in the keyword search box. Select Analysis; includes the country report: Advertising in Canada which provides an industry overview, cost structure, market structure, trade, etc.
IBISWorld has the following reports: Advertising Agencies in Canada, Advertising Agencies in Ontario, Billboard and Outdoor Advertising in Canada, and Direct Mail Advertising in Canada
Advertising and Related Services / Statistics Canada: annual statistics
Interactive Advertising Bureau Canada see under Resources; includes the Canada Internet Ad Revenue Survey as well as other reports
Magazines Canada. Research: many articles, reports, and webinars on the magazine sector of the advertising industry
News Media Canada. Industry Information: many articles and reports on the daily and community newspaper sectors of the advertising industry
CARDonline: Canadian Advertising Rates and Data: use the search box and the pull-down menu to select advertising agencies, media associations, and media representatives; information on the industry, including detailed contact information.

Industry Associations

Some of the key associations are:
Ad Standards Canada
Association of Canadian Advertisers
Canadian Association of Broadcasters
Canadian Broadcast Standards Council
Canadian Marketing Association
Institute of Communication Agencies
Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada
Magazines Canada
News Media Canada

Advertising Campaigns

Ad*Access / Duke University: an image database of over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. Covers the following categories: beauty and hygiene, radio, television, transportation, and World War II
Adviews / Duke University: contains over 9,000 television commercials, including English and French language Canadian commercials
ROAD / Duke University: 30,000 images of outdoor advertisements, including Canadian ads
Adforum: a large database of advertisements in many media and from many countries, including Canada. Most are free to view.
Internet Archive: contains a variety of historical advertisements. For example: type Commercials OR advertisements in the search box.
See also: social media such as YouTube and Facebook
See also:  Advertising Awards for examples of award-winning Canadian ads

Advertising Awards

Ace Awards (Edmonton):  Award Winners
ADDC: Ad and Design Club (National):  Award Winners
Applied Arts (National):  Award Winners
Atomic Awards  (National):  Award Winners
Cassies (National): Award Winners
CMA Awards  (National): Award Winners
ICE Awards  (Atlantic Provinces):  Award Winners
Marketing Awards (National): Award Winners
Media Innovation Awards  (National):  Award Winners

Target Market, Consumer Behaviour and Consumer Trends Research

Please use the Consumer Information guide.

Media Research

CARDonline: Canadian Advertising Rates and Data contains advertising information and rates for Canadian newspapers, magazines, radio, television, out of home advertising, interactive and other media.
Mintel U.S./Canadian reports; perhaps select Technology and Media; they cover market size, including a 5 year forecast, brand share, category trends, consumer attitudes and behaviours; each report also includes downloadable consumer survey data.

On the Internet, some organizations provide free access to media research. See for example: Thinktv: Research Reports, Interactive Advertising Bureau Canada: Research Archives, Comscore, and  CMDC: Media Review

Measurement and Monitoring

Most detailed audience measurement data is only available for a fee from companies such as those listed below. In some cases, top level data and a few consumer behaviour reports and case studies are available.
Nielsen Canada
Numeris  (for radio and television)
COMMBS  (out-of-home)

Updated May 2024
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Katharine Ball's picture
(519) 253-3000 ext.3852
Leddy Library, Room 109, 1st Floor, West Building