Business Journal Evaluation and Citation Analysis

The following resources are starting points for evaluating business journals and doing citation analysis. Some of the resources are freely available on the web. Others are Leddy Library subscriptions; if you are off-campus, you will have to sign on with your University of Windsor ID and email password. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact: Katharine Ball at (519) 253-3000, ext. 3852 or email:


Citation Analysis:

Learn Who Has Cited An Author's Work

There are several databases that you can search in order to learn if an article has been cited by other authors and how many times it has been cited. If you want to be as comprehensive as possible, search them all. Each database indexes a different array of publications. Citation analysis can be a useful exercise for judging the impact of a particular article in a field of research, and for discovering related research resources. Citation analysis is carried out primarily for peer reviewed journal articles.

The Main Citation Tracking Databases

Do your search. For the relevant article, click on the number in the Citations field (right-hand side). You will then get the bibliographic details of all articles citing your article.

Web of Science

Do your search and find the relevant article. Click on the number in the Citations field (right-hand side). You will then get the bibliographic details of all articles citing your article.  You can also do a Cited References Search by entering the cited author, the cited work, and/or the cited year(s).


Other Citation Tracking Databases
(that may include non-peer reviewed resources)

Google Scholar

Do your search. Results have a Cited By link that will take you to other works that cite that particular work.

Business Source Complete,uid&profile=bsi

Use the Cited References search (right-hand side banner), or, do a regular search and look for the Times Cited in this Database link in the titles of the results set.
Journal Evaluation:
Assess The Importance Of A Journal To Its Field

Journal Citation Reports

They use a measure called the Impact Factor. It provides a systematic, if controversial, way to determine the relative importance of journals within their subject categories.

SJR: SCImago Journal and Country Rank

Provides several measures to help assess the relative importance of a journal to its field: the SJRIndicator, the H Index, and Cites per Document (2 year period). Years of coverage include 1999 onwards and the data is taken from the Scopus database. For the years 1996 onwards, countries' scientific output can also be compared.

Updated: May 2024

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Katharine Ball's picture
(519) 253-3000 ext.3852
Leddy Library, Room 109, 1st Floor, West Building