
Special Funds used to Expand Indigenous Collection

This year, $50,000 of the library’s collection budget was set aside to strengthen strategic areas of the book collection, as identified by librarians and informed by academic and research needs. One area that the library prioritized is the expansion of our existing collection of books by indigenous authors and publishers. Leddy Library also acquired indigenous-themed material to support disciplines across the campus, such as philosophy and education.

Congratulations to Dave Yott, Excellence in Health & Safety Award

Dave Yott, Acquisitions/Bibliographic Services Coordinator at the Leddy Library, has won an Employee Recognition Award for Excellence in Health & Safety.  He has been with the Leddy Library for over twelve years. 
According to the University of Windsor’s selection guidelines, the Excellence in Health & Safety Award is designed to “recognize the contributions that employees make in fostering a culture of health and safety in the workplace”.

Write Now! at Leddy Library: Grad Writing Sessions

Do you find it hard to carve time into your schedule for writing your thesis or dissertation? 

The Leddy Library’s Write Now! sessions are an opportunity for grad students to come together to write regularly.  Fitting writing into your weekly schedule can make the daunting task of writing a thesis, dissertation, or other large project a lot more palatable. 

Library and Research Ethics Collaboration to Share Summaries with Participants

A collaboration between the Research Ethics Board and the Leddy Library provides a new platform for researchers to share summary reports of research studies with study participants. Researchers will be able to login with their UWin ID and password to quickly submit summaries online at through a simple online form. When summaries are complete they will be made available publicly through the site to participants.

Participate in National Novel Writing Month!

Leddy Library is hosting write-ins for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) this year. 

The write-ins will be held every Thursday in the month of November, from 6-9PM, in room 302 West.  Participants of NaNoWriMo as well as individuals who are working on other creative writing projects are welcome to join. 

New Study Bikes at the Leddy

Have you ever found yourself torn between studying and staying fit?  Well the Leddy Library has the solution for you!  We’ve installed three new study bikes, so you can get your work done while getting a work out!
Stationary bikes with attached desks have been set up along the northern window in the Leddy Library Main building.  Use will be on a first-come, first-served basis.  These bikes allow users to exercise the body as well as the mind even during the busiest times of the semester. 

You can wait for the white rabbit or you can follow the Leddy Library!

Welcome and welcome back to The Leddy Library!

We are always here to support your learning, teaching and research needs and we are continually trying to find new ways to meet them. This year, we're making sure that you can keep up to date with what the Leddy Library offers through a variety of social media channels. Here are some of them:

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