Mita Williams's blog

Surprise! Student Appreciation Day!

SURPRISE! Student Appreciation Days are here!

Since so many of you come to Leddy, we’d like to thank you for visiting us, studying with us and asking us lots of great questions!

We will be handing out free coffee, tea, and cookies on 2 surprise days during exams (and one of them is today, Monday April 15th!)

Good luck on your exams and have a great summer!


Who wants to study in a dirty and smelly environment?

DID YOU KNOW… Over 1 million students have come through our doors this year alone!

Who wants to study in a dirty and smelly environment? We sure wouldn’t and neither should you! When you come to Leddy to study, please be mindful of your neighbours – we ask that you follow these tips so that everyone who comes to study here can have a positive experience:

1. If you are bringing in a drink, please keep a lid on it

2. If you’d like to eat, please do so at William’s café

The Leddy Library does not accept bitcoin...

The Leddy Library does not accept bitcoin... but our UWin cash machine was refurbished on Friday and so we are now able to accept ALL new monies, loonies, toonies and the new 'plastic' bills. 

We are running a library service quality survey and we would like to hear from you!

Library Service Quality Survey

The Leddy Library is participating along with many other North American libraries in a confidential survey that is designed to assess perceptions of library service. This survey will allow us to better understand how the University community rates library services and where we can concentrate our efforts towards improving services. It will also let us find out how Leddy Library results compare with those of other libraries and determine best practices.

Libel Chill and The Freedom to Read Week

When you can find ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ readily available at your local grocery or drugstore, do we even need to worry about the Freedom to Read anymore?


Have a blind date at Leddy...

Have a blind date... with a book!

Happy Valentine's Day! To celebrate, why not take a chance on one of our "blind date" books that are sitting across from the Circulation Desk.  They are waiting for you!

Also. Leddy Loves You.

candy heart reading Ledy hearts U



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